Couples Therapy
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Individual Therapy
may be intertwined with physical health challenges and pain, that impair quality of life and aren't fixable
for women, especially - how physical aging lowers self-esteem and perceived identity
disappointment/despair over perceived lack of achievement in life
coping with losses of those who may have been in someone's life for half a century or more, e.g., lifelong partner, an adult child, parents, siblings
emotional isolation - grieving in a "grief-denying" culture
identity loss, especially if one had been a caregiver ... "What do I do now? Where do I go from here?"
the unanticipated physical and emotional toll
the loneliness and isolation - no time for friends or fun; may feel that life is passing one by
the frequently strained family dynamics
Family Conflict
shame, grief and anger when estranged from adult children and grandchildren
longtime patterns of hurtful arguing and/or avoidance that don't change